Will ChatGPT Replace Google? The Future of Search Engines in the AI Era

ChatGPT Is a large language model that was developed by OpenAI, and it's trained to work on conversational text. it generates human-like text based on the input it receives and uses machine-learning techniques. it can be used for a variety of natural language processing tasks such as language translation, text generation, and text summarization. ChartGPT is a type of GPT-3 Language model. Since it is capable of understanding and responding, it has useful and informative answers to questions.
Analyzing the response that we got from the definition, the biggest question I bring to the table with this article is: Could ChatGPT replace Google? And who better to answer this question than ChatGPT itself?
Well, ChatGPT thinks not. Let's continue to analyze ChatGPT and come up with our own judgment based on our discovery. There are a lot of things ChatGPT can and can’t do below; we'll look at some of the things that it can’t do.
- ChatGPT is a tool that purely generates text and can't perform actions or tasks. it doesn't have any capabilities beyond its ability to generate responses as though it were a real person.
- It is a trained model, and hence it can’t learn or adapt to any new information beyond what it's trained on. For example, at the moment, ChatGPT has information up to the year 2021 and can’t give any information beyond that.
- It can't respond to voice searches or give any visual responses.
All the things that ChatGPT can't do, search engines perform effortlessly. It's really hard to tell if language models such as ChatGPT could have a future. The rate at which technology is advancing brings uncertainty as to where these language models are headed. From the look of things, they are likely to progress and become better as the years go by. From my point of view, as much as they can provide some useful answers to questions, it hasn’t yet reached the level of replacing a search engine like Google.
No, ChatGPT will neither replace Google nor it will help you earn thousands of dollars. It can make you more productive, that’s it!
— Pratham (@Prathkum) January 15, 2023
So what is likely to happen to these language models? They are likely to be a small number of language models that others could use to build upon in the future. There will also be a need for deeper domain details. The great part about this is that the Generative AI space is only still at the grassroots. and the uses for AI are likely to increase day by day.
Language models are likely to be commoditized in the future. Finding sources of data that could train these models to survive in these different domains is essential to consider. Machine learning and AI could either be inference or training. Inference means the model can generate information in real-time, while learning means it collects information from already-established data.
The future and existence of these models lie in finding unique sources of data that can be used in training the models. ChatGPT has received quite the attention since its release, although I believe that its replacing Google is still far-fetched and won't be happening anytime soon.
Source: https://writesonic.com/blog/will-chatgpt-kill-google/
National Security search engine: Google’s ranks are filled with CIA agents
Once upon a time this site brought us informative articles about Windows, Linux, Firefox, etc. The last couple of months it only spits out How-to’s and ChatGPT articles that are only there for the clicks, not to inform the average user. Time to search for for other sites that do a better job.
I agree. When you find those other sites, please let us know.
No. Next question.
Hopefully since Google search has turned into useless garbage. Bing, Yahoo, Duckduck go as well. Yandex is the only search engine left that actually finds what I’m looking for.
I never gave Yandex a real chance. I am under the impression that it’s good in Russia, but for a non-Russian speaking crowd, the results aren’t so good.
Yandex has a browser on Android that allegedly can use Chrome extensions. The irony is that the only one I need – uBlock Origin can’t be installed due to some error.
I’ve tried most Google Search alternatives – Startpage, Duck Duck Go, Brave Search, but the results just aren’t good enough.
hi I am using kiwi browser on android with all the extensions including ublock try it for yourself also just suggesting
More ChatGPT propaganda in gHacks, what a surprise /s
People make it seem like this is new, when Siri, Cortana, and others already did it and with voice, this is just text.
Plus this is not ‘intelligence’ it is only some over hyped ‘give me long answers’ chat with a machine.
For example last time someone questioned the numbers of the holoevent, since they have been reduced multiple times, yet the numbers stays at six.
ChatGPT never used any logic to question the numbers and why the mismatch in the number, it only used the ‘official sources in the web’ to get to the answer…
So what is ‘intelligent’ about it? nothing. it is only repeating the same wikipedia articles because it can’t really bring any intelligence to the table.
It says it doesn’t have any preference or political party or agenda or something too, but it still uses biased documentation for the information, not really ‘intelligence’. It doesn’t adapt, it will always stick to the same information, it will not go and say anything different. I mean, why would it? if not it would be counterproductive rather than zombiefy people into technology. If a true AI system will start giving unbiased answers, with logic and not ‘mainstream official data which contradicts itself from one paragraph to another’ then it will actually be good for humanity rather than being part of an agenda to make people lazier and dumber.
So, there is nothing new about this, just people taking advantage of something or someone else doing things for them, it has always been that way around humans, it doesn’t matter what.
Just many examples when the supposed “AI” and “it learns” doesn’t seem to learn and just doesn’t change the narrative when questioning many topics, you can bring compelling evidence using mathematics and the ChatGPT will not change the official number because it is not unbiased, it is not, intelligent, it is nothing more than a tool to spread more of the problem.
If I saw something different than what there was already in place, maybe I would say this is ‘different’ but no, it is not. It is like when in 1980 we had ‘3D movies’ and then few years ago, people were saying how cool stereoscopic was and how ‘innovative’ yet it was the same old technology but updated, and it was overhyped until it died, because nobody really cares about it.
Same with AR and ‘smart’ things, where you are always tied to a phone, always slaved to the technology.
And people ignore how the non-elected rich people have even predicted hacks in electrical infrastructure, and how power will be insufficient, and it will eventually happen, and then people will not even know how to turn a bulb on because they became useless.
Just like happened when TV remove controllers appeared, people wouldn’t get up and change the channel, and would rather spend 15 minutes looking for a remote, instead of just turning the channels or pushing the buttons.
But this over hype is absurd, not many care about this, not many are talking about this, only weird people who probably got paid to make it seem otherwise, seem to be the ones pushing this ChatGPT every day for every single second in the day.
BTW Brave is also building their own machine learning longer responses when you search something, so Google could do it too, they have, they just don’t care to release it.
Google doesn’t even show you many results like they say they do, someone few months ago saw that instead of showing new results, the results were repeating over and over again after page 10, something that doesn’t happen in Yandex apparently, but happens in Google, and Bing and even Brave since it got poisoned by Google’s search data (it can be fixed by using WDP in Brave with different search engines and links)
Google is not a good search engine 99% of the time for a lot of topics, so it is hard to think anything will replace anything when this ChatGPT has shown it doesn’t bring any intelligence, it only brings more echo chambers for a lot of topics and for the rest, more laziness to the already lazy humans.
This comment will not even make it to the chat section, it is too deep to really grasp most human minds.
I have seen many controversial and non-controversial topics against ChatGPT and it only answers the same biased misinformation pushed by history books and government that justify their actions trough lies, even if the numbers and events are questioned with compelling mathematical evidence (I am not talking about anything else but pure mathematics) the ChatGPT never learned or changed or say anything outside the same boundaries, so what’s the point?.
If it is just to make humans (more) lazy so it can do the job for them, there already existed ways to do it, but this is not intelligence at all, only more computer system making things ‘easier’ for humans and that’s it.
Many answers are reached faster with ChatGPT. Either the classic search engines will adapt or they will lose a part of their market in favor of new competition.
I beg your pardon, I am only talking by myself but I think that so many other people here could be agree too: I think that we need more longer articles, with some information, photos and whatever other stuff that can be expected on a site with the quality of Ghacks. There is no way to read five, six or seven short articles per day because it’s difficult to comment and follow the opinions done by the readers. Again, I beg your pardon if this comment is considered non polite, but I think I’m right when I say that I prefer quality more than quantity. Thanks in advance for your consideration. :]
+ 1
There is a problem with asking this bot a lie.. : )
Garbage In.. gives you.. stupidity as an Output.. Google is only a tad bit better.
ChatGPT will replace all corporate executives everywhere.
Jek Porkins said on January 23, 2023 at 2:12 pm
Is this some kind of virus that infects everyone’s brains so that they can’t talk about anything else and every second word coming out of their mouth is GPT?
11r20 responds with > +10 ((laughin)) Oh Yeah! ;>)
I’ve heard enough about ChatGPT, thanks.
Why are now half of the articles of this site about OpenAI, without a disclosure of paid advertising ?
It’s not paid advertising. But it is clear that this site has become desperate to draw traffic with all the “how to” articles, and OpenAI is what everyone is talking about these days, so they naturally keep writing about it to lure people in.
Google needs to index those “how to” articles first before they can begin serving their purpose.
Google was replaced years ago, no buzz was needed: only a duck.
Replaced, please
“Google’s global search engine market share for 2022 was at 91.88%, with Bing following at 3.19%, Yandex at 1.52%, Yahoo at 1.33%, Baidu at 0.76%, and DuckDuckGo at 0.64%.”
What’s with this GPT propaganda daily or should I say hourly? Is this some kind of virus that infects everyone’s brains so that they can’t talk about anything else and every second word coming out of their mouth is GPT?