Microsoft Office

While Microsoft Office started with a few programs, it has a larger selection today with a cloud offering. Besides sharing news on the latest packages and prices, we’ll also review different apps, provide some tips, and compare them with others.

project office

Manage projects online with ProjectOffice

I'm always looking for good project management solutions, and so far I haven't found one that fits my needs perfectly. Short of programming one for myself, I don't think I (or anyone […]

doc syncer

Sync Microsoft Documents with Google Docs automatically

Docsyncer was mentioned on the Digital Inspiration blog as a service that automatically synced Microsoft documents such as doc and xls with the Google Docs web service. This can be incredible helpful if you do use Microsoft Office and Google Docs. This could for instance be the case if you upload your Word or Excel documents to Google Docs to be able to work with them on a different computer.

export to pdf office

Use Microsoft Word to save PDF Documents

Microsoft has introduced so called add-ins in Microsoft Office and Word which are first-party or third-party applications that extend the functionality of the software. One add-in in particular is being a great asset for me personally, it is called the 2007 Microsoft Office Add-in: Microsoft Save as PDF or XPS and works with eight Office programs including Microsoft Word 2007 and Excel 2007.

Microsoft Excel 2007 Hotfix

A non fixed Microsoft Excel 2007 has calculation issues with certain numbers. Two scenarios exist that result in a false value being shown as the result of a calculation. If the result of a calculation is a number between 65534.99999999995 to 65535 the result will be shown as 100000 instead.

Preezo: Create Powerpoint Presentations Online

Preezo is a fast powerpoint maker on the web. Like most of the web 2.0 apps it uses Ajax to power its site. To use the application you need to register and log in. The first thing I notice is there is no lag at all using the different features. It is very responsive. Even with Google Docs there is some lag while adding stuff. I would happily use this on my browser.

Office 2003 Service Pack 3

Microsoft released the Office 2003 Service Pack 3 just a few hours ago which contains the latest updates for Office 2003. The pack with a size of 117 Megabytes contains 22 security patches and updates as well as the previous two service packs for Office 2003. The main emphasize of this service pack seems to be security related because 14 of the 22 updates are security related.

Students: Get Microsoft Office Ultimate 2007 for $59

Microsoft Office Ultimate 2007 is currently priced at $619 at Amazon. Microsoft knows that only a few students have the money to buy a software suite for roughly $600 which is why they decided to run a promotion that sells Microsoft Office Ultimate 2007 for $59 which is an absolute bargain.

Reveal Serial Numbers and Windows keys

Would you be able to write down the serial number of your Windows operating system if I would ask you to do it ? Or of Microsoft Office ? This is normally not a problem because you have the serial number in written form and can look it up if it is needed. But what if you can't find it anymore because it somehow got lost during the last move ?


How do I open docx files?

Microsoft introduced the .docx file format in its new Office and Word applications and wants it to replace the commonly used doc format. The problem with the change from doc to docx is that many users are still working with prior versions of Word or no Microsoft product at all and face the problem that they can't load the docx file because it is not supported in their application.

Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack

Microsoft Office introduced several new file formats which can't be read by older versions of the various Office products. I'm not sure why Microsoft decided to change the file formats but it is really a hassle for me. I'm running Office 2007 on my system while my girlfriend is still running an older version of Microsoft Office.

It happened twice already that she worked on my computer and saved a Microsoft Word format in the new format (.docx) and was not able to read the file on her computer. She does not have Internet access there which means that it was really problematic to get the right format on her computer.

Watch three webcasts get vista and office for free

You might remember the other stories that circulated the internet before: get a free usb stick, get a free microsoft visual studio 2005. This time it is a free microsoft vista and microsoft office if you do the same as last time. Register at the power together website, listen to three webcasts and bam, you might get vista and office shipped right to your doorstep.



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