
Also known as Google Mail, Gmail is one of the most popular email services, offering free and paid options. If you’re like news and updates about the this product and the various platform applications, make sure you follow this category on our site.

Gmail Raises Attachment Limit to 25 Megabyte

Update: The attachment limit is still 25 Megabyte on Gmail but Google has added an option to the email client to use its cloud hosting service Google Drive for larger attachments. Instead […]

Gmail POP3 Configuration

I received several emails lately in which I was asked to explain how to set up email clients correctly so that they would connect to Gmail using Pop3. The POP3 configuration of […]

Add Twitter To Gmail

Twitter Gadget puts Twitter right into a Gmail account. This makes it possible to access Twitter directly from within Google Mail. The installation of Twitter Gadget is not complicated and takes less […]

Process NZBs And Torrents In Gmail Automatically

You might stumble upon a torrent or nzb file that you want to download without the ability to do so right away because you are not at your computer system. Maybe you […]

Gmail Translations: Who Needs It?

A new feature was recently introduced on Gmail that may be enabled by users to translate email messages automatically on Gmail. Update: The feature has since then been integrated into Gmail. It […]

Gmail Adds Email Import option for third-party email providers

One of the things that many users like about Google's email service Gmail is that Google improves the service constantly by adding new functionality to it. Users get to test tools published […]

gmail login

Gmail Login Troubleshooting

There are basically two ways to log into Gmail. Either by using the Gmail web interface that is available for most users at or by accessing Gmail remotely using desktop or […]

Import Email Mailboxes Into Gmail

Update: The program has not been updated for a long while and it is unclear if it is still working properly. A far better option is to configure Gmail to use IMAP, […]


Inline Google Search in Gmail

It seems like I'm the resident Google Labs reporter here at gHacks, but truth be told, they have been rolling out some cool features! The development team's latest is the ability to […]

Sharing is easy with Gmail!

Since the introduction of the Gmail Labs settings to all users sharing in emails has been much easier, and I think somewhat overlooked. There are a few things you can do to […]

Gmail now suggests recipients

The article looks at Gmail's recipient suggestion functionality which was first available as a Labs project, but has been integrated natively now. It seems that Gmail is set to read your mind; […]

Gmail Mail Notifier

Update: Note that the program has been last updated in 2009. While it may still work, it is advised to use a program that is updated regularly. One of the programs you […]

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Use Mail Goggles to Avoid Sending Embarassing Mail

Update: Please note that Mail Goggles is no longer provided by Google. It has been removed from the Labs section on Gmail. The closest experiment that you may want to enable instead […]

Gmail: 90 Tools And Tips To Make You A Gmail Pro

Gmail (Google Mail) is without doubt one of the most popular online email services. What makes it so interesting is the functionality that it provides out of the box, but also the […]

Gmail Sign In

One of the main questions for privacy and security interested Gmail users is whether they should stay signed in or log out whenever they leave the Gmail website or other Google properties […]

The reason people love (and should love) Google so much

I've been thinking a bit about the history of the internet, and one important point I deduced was how important Google was to this all. Many-many people love Google, which usually means […]

Use Gmail As Email Backup Space

Gmail is currently providing each Gmail user with Gigabytes of free storage space for their mails and attachments. One way to utilize that space is to use Gmail as the email backup […]

New Google Mail Security Vulnerability Emerges

News about domain hijackings came to light in the last weeks. The commonality was that all victims were using Google Mail as the primary email address of their websites. Yesterday a proof […]

Hacking Horror Story…

Joe’s post today was about the importance of backing up your blog, and it’s something which I now realize can never be taken too seriously - only this week another website I […]

Gmail Backup

Even if you use an online service such as Gmail exclusively to manage your emails, you may want to back up your emails regularly to a local storage device. The reason here […]

How To Setup Gmail In External Mail Clients Properly

Everton from Connected Internet send me an initiation to a new Google Apps account for our news site Windows 7 News. It basically has been created so that I can access mails […]

Cloud Computing Totally Failed us

Just a word of warning, this is very likely going to turn into a rant. (But not the rant you may have expected) If you follow tech blogs then you could hardly […]

synchronize gmail thunderbird

Synchronize Contacts Between Thunderbird And Gmail

If you use both the email client Mozilla Thunderbird and Google Mail (Gmail) you may need a way to keep both address books in sync so that they can be accessed from […]

Gmail Has a Privacy Problem

You might have already read elsewhere that it is possible to reveal the real name of any Gmail user by sharing a calendar in Google Calendar with him. Let me explain how […]

A Host of Tips – Week 1

As I read a large selection of RSS feeds each day I see a whole lot of great little tech tips coming through, and often I want to share them, but that […]

gmail quicklinks

Gmail Labs quicklinks to find anything in a flash

Gmail Quick Links is a new feature rolled out in Google Labs for Gmail which enables you to create some links for frequents searches, but it can be used for much more. […]

Gmail And Yahoo Mail Users Now Protected Against eBay And PayPal Phishing Mails

The award for the longest title ever could go to this one. But it's good news actually. Both Email services are "supporting email authentication standards including DomainKeys and DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) […]

track gmail account usage

Tracking Gmail Account Usage

Google Mail introduced a new feature recently that can be helpful in finding out if someone else has or had access to your Gmail account. The function is a bit hidden in […]

gmail default email client

Make Gmail The Default Email Client on Windows

I already covered how one can make Gmail the default Firefox 3 mail client which has the effect that mailto links are opened on the Gmail website from that moment on. This […]

google calendar slim style

Redesigned GCal to join Gmail

The popular ‘Better Gmail 2’ Firefox extension adds a whole lot of great extra functionality to Gmail through various Greasemonkey scripts. What I loved the most was the inclusion of the fantastic […]

Firefox mailto

Make Gmail the default Firefox Mail Client

If you like to access your Gmail account on the official website and not in a desktop email client, then you may have noticed that it is not really that easy to […]

facebook chat google talk

Facebook Chat and Google Talk on the Desktop

Gabtastic provides desktop access to the chat applications Facebook Chat and Google Talk. Those two are normally only accessible on the Facebook and Google Mail websites which require a permanently opened browser […]

google mail labs

Add functionality to Gmail with Gmail Labs

Google has added a very interesting feature to Gmail called Labs which is accessible in the account options. Labs is basically a testing ground for Gmail add-ons created by members of the […]

sync gmail contacts thunderbird

Sync Gmail Contacts with Thunderbird

Most computer  users that I know have several email accounts hosted by different email providers. I'm using about ten email accounts actively in Thunderbird and web interfaces, and always thought that there […]

Access Gmail 2 with Opera 9.5

A new version of Gmail was introduced a while ago by Google which added several new features, like color labels, to Gmail. So called Gmail 2 is accessible through a link in […]

gmail dark user interface

Gmail Redesigned: modify Gmail's design

Google likes basic designs that just work. Take a look at their search engine or Gmail to know what I mean. Now you all know that I do not have a problem […]

gmail password thief

Beware of G-Archiver

What would you do if you had purchased a software that would archive your Gmail mails and found out that this software send your username and password to the Gmail account of the author of the software ? That's apparently what has happened to users who purchased the program G-Archiver by someone named John Terry.

Reduce Spam by using alternative Google Mail Address?

I read about this tip yesterday at Digital Inspiration and when I woke up today I saw that Lifehacker wrote about it as well. The tip mainly stated that users who signed up for Gmail would not get one but two mail addresses: [email protected] and [email protected]. The suggestion was to give on out to friends and use the other for all the other signups and conversations on the Internet.

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Pimp out your Google with the iGoogle Bar

I just found a great Firefox extension while browsing Lifehacker, a small addon that will add a bar in place of the default, quite unuseful bar, and let you access features in […]

Why you should always log out off Gmail

Let me narrate a story to you. A story of someone who has an Gmail account and a domain registered to his name. This someone checks his Gmail account regularly and visits other sites afterwards. It is so convenient to stay logged in at Gmail in case you want to check again. Maybe Gmail is open all the time in another tab for even further comfort.



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