Domain Suggestion Tool

Martin Brinkmann
Apr 7, 2008
Updated • Nov 12, 2013

I would like to write a short review about a cool domain suggestion tool that I discovered lately. Bust a Name is not your usual domain search engine, it is highly flexible and has a speedy nice interface. You start your domain search by typing in at least one word that you want as part of the domain name. You can add additional words, which are then used by Bust a Name to try out all possible combinations of the selected words, check them for availability, and display them to you in the interface for easy purchasing.

By default only com domains are enabled but .net, .info, .org domains can be added to the search.

You might have some words that are synonyms of each other. You can drag these into groups which will have the result that only one word of that group is added to the combination. Another cool feature are the prefixes and suffixes that can be added to the domain name.

What I really like is that you can pick the default ones but also create your own prefixes and suffixes which are then combined with the words that you have added.

Hovering the mouse over a word displays similar words that can be added as well to increase the possibility of finding a suitable domain name. Domains can be bought from a variety of domain registrars and it's even possible to add hosting if you need that as well. The Godaddy price is awesome by the way. You pay only $6.95 for a domain name instead of $9.99 when you buy at Godaddy directly.

Note: prices may vary depending on when you use the service. Please note that domain and hosting is selected by default, and if you do not want that, make sure to switch to domain only.

Bust a Name is a great help when I'm looking for a new domain name. I'm buying two or three domain names per week and it's really helpful.


I like the fact that it displays synonyms or alternatives for each word that you have added to the service, which is great, especially if you use the grouping functionality.

The options below are also worth a shot. You can add other domain extensions to the search, switch from 2 word to 3 word combinations, add your custom prefixes and suffixes, or enable the plural of words or the dropping of vowels for even more variety.


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  1. vanja djuric said on January 19, 2009 at 6:55 pm

    take look at this new domain suggestion tool

    Best regards,
    Vanja Djuric

  2. Martin said on April 7, 2008 at 10:19 am

    Jojo yes I stumbled upon one or two domains that had been taken already but it usually works pretty good and is a great time saver.

  3. Jojo said on April 7, 2008 at 5:53 am

    This looks good.

    But check out the FAQ where it is noted that they only update their domain lists every 24 hours, so you could find a domain marked available which has already been taken.

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