Apple profits up on iPad and iPhone 4

Mike Halsey MVP
Jul 21, 2010
Updated • Jan 4, 2018
Apple, Companies

Apple profits leapt past expectations for the three months to June 26th on the back of the iPad and iPhone 4 launches.

The company's income was $3.25bn (£2.1bn) for the period, up from $1.83bn for the same quarter last year.

The news sent the company's shares up 3.4% on the news, despite concerns from customers and the press about signal problems on the iPhone 4.

Steve Jobs has said of the news "It was a phenomenal quarter that exceeded our expectations all around, including the most successful product launch in Apple's history with iPhone 4.  The iPad is off to a terrific start, more people are buying Macs than ever before, and we have amazing new products still to come this year,"

Apple sold 3.47 million Mac computers during the quarter, a huge 33% increase on the same period last year.  iPhone sales were 8.4 million, a 61% increase.


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