PS5 and PS4 Gamers Weren’t Happy about the PlayStation Network going Down

Mar 3, 2023

At about 2 am EST, a massive amount of reports emerged on several sites stating that the PlayStation network was down for PS5 and PS4 consoles. While the PS status site says everything is running smoothly now, it left many games frustrated for more than an hour. Luckily, Sony was able to save the day, and all is ok in the world of gaming now.

PS5 and PS4 Gamers Weren’t Happy about the PlayStation Network going Down

That didn’t make it any easier for gamers at the time now. There were plenty of Tweets on Twitter, while videos emerged on TikTok with complaints.


Fortunately, I’ve been too busy working and writing today to have noticed any downtime. I’m hoping when I kick back to Ship Graveyard Simulator or Warzone 2.0 tonight, there won’t be any issues. Heck, I might splice some whiskey on the rocks with Fortnite for some additional mayhem and fun.

I would say the most humorous platform where I saw messages about the PlayStation network going down was Twitter, as usual. People were making hilarious memes about what gamers look like when this happens. It’s uncanny how many gamers say the network when down as they logged in, as if it was more than a simple coincidence.


In any event, the PS network is up and running again, and there don’t seem to be any more complaints as far as I can see. Well done, Sony. Now just keep it that way.

PlayStation Network is up and running again


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  1. basingstoke said on March 3, 2023 at 4:38 pm

    am I to take from this that ps3 users were unaffected?

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