Another great free wallpaper website

Martin Brinkmann
Jul 23, 2007
Updated • Dec 7, 2012

It has been a long time since I mentioned the last website that offered hundreds of wallpapers in various resolutions and I thought it would be nice to add another great site to the list. Wallpaperstock is a website with a large variety of wallpapers that are offered in several resolutions and categories.

The best way to search for wallpapers on the website is to use the navigation on the right sidebar. You can either use the categories like Nature, Movies and Cars to find wallpapers or start by selecting a resolution between 1024x768 and 2560x1600. Wallpaperstock offers five normal resolutions and five widescreen resolutions to choose from.

The featured category is another element that is worth to be mentioned. It contains themed wallpapers such as Valentine's Day or Winter wallpapers. Everyone can download wallpapers from the website without registration.

Update: The Wallpaperstock website is still around and from the looks of it as active as ever. You still find the list of supported resolutions on the left which makes for a great entry point as you can filter out all wallpaper images that do not match your desired screen resolution.

You need to click on the thumbnail images on the site to be taken to the wallpaper profile page on the site. From there it takes another click on a thumbnail to open it in full resolution in the web browser. You can then save the image easily by right-clicking it and selecting Save As from the context menu, or by setting the image directly as your new desktop background on the system.

The site makes use of tags that you can use to find suitable wallpapers for other devices you may own. It includes a couple of mobile devices and tablets that you can find images for on the site as well. There is also a category listing on the right if you are looking for themed wallpapers.


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  1. Jake said on November 17, 2009 at 9:42 pm
    Reply – has a nice collection

  2. nothing said on November 13, 2009 at 9:27 am

    Store wallpaper free for everyone

  3. Radu said on August 1, 2007 at 9:59 am

    Un altro sito di wallpaper.

  4. Sbronzo di Riace said on July 24, 2007 at 2:38 pm

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